A dreamer of mysterious and magical worlds, I’ve been expressing my inner visions my whole life, through many different channels- writing, philosophy, visual & physical arts, and - perhaps most of all, a deep, magnetic fascination and longing for all things spiritual, mysterious, and unseen.
My artwork is also a representation of the things I experience, mentally and emotionally, some have meaningful, symbolic elements, some are simply playful and lighthearted.
Wisdom, strength, and the duality that infuses all creation…
Yin-yang, light-darkness, power, and gentleness, all figure largely in my work...
Because I started my art career as a muralist, my introduction to fine art was with acrylic paints. I love the versatility and forgiveness of this medium. You can start over anytime.
I love creating complex stories that intrigue and create that feeling of awe. My paintings reveal new things with each gaze, like a layered movie that unfolds itself anew each time you watch it.
Most of my large artworks take several weeks to create, sometimes more.
Each one of my paintings is like a memoir of a feeling or an inner place that you can visit each time you are still and quiet.
Art takes you to a deeper place inside yourself, so that a feeling may be a shared and cherished experience.

“Art is a means of self-discovery and exploration of the visible and the invisible world.
Art heals the eyes, the mind, and the soul.”
Let’s talk about your next custom art project!