These are the inspiration for the paintings that we will create during our 8-week study. Some projects will take one sitting, others we will paint over two classes. Details are what make a piece stand out and look complete, and details generally take more time to create.

Reserve Wednesday evenings

What you will need

  • Acrylic Paints

    Golden OPEN Acrylics are excellent quality paints, and they make for frustration-free painting. They dry slower than regular acrylics, thus extending blending time.

    You will need Titanium White and Carbon Black, the 8 oz. jars.

  • Canvas panels

    You can use canvas panels, or stretched canvas for your projects. Canvas panels are great because they don’t take much space, and they are great for practice and play.

  • Paintbrushes

    You can use any synthetic paintbrushes, but these ones are nice.

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